Convenience of an Online Purchase – Amazon Prime Benefits

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I had been an Amazon Prime subscriber from June 2021 to Januanry 2024 this year. Yesterday however, I purchased an over the counter health supplement vitamin (Omega 3 plus vitamin D) at Amazon with a 30-day free trial and with its free delivery 2 day delivery service benefit. Saving $6.99 on Prime eligible item with a next day or a 2 day delivery possibilities. The store nearby home I usually visit to get the product didn’t quite carry the same item in stock this time when I visited the store. Sometimes when not available at one store I get to look for the same item at elsewhere visiting at several different locations. It could be a stressful time and effort sometimes. It’s so much easier to order online if visiting different stores would be more than a pleasant daily physical activity for me.

It was a 30-day free trial that got me into Prime subscription experience back in June 2021. I remember it was a smooth transition to its regular pay thereafter a month and it was an affordle and reliable Amazon Prime experience. I am probably one of the many what are interested in shopping at amazon more. Catching up with all the trend of consumer goods and services and fashion I might be able to shop and live a life more wisely and prudently spending. I happened to be an Amazon Associate as a hopeful side hustle I enjoy Amazon Prime membership and its benefits for myself and for others if any benefits to everyday living consuming. One thing I liked mostly among other things about Prime, it was comforting to know how to unsubscribe without any worries of not being able to do if and when all of a sudden such a situation might occur. It’s always a good idea to get familiar with how to update various accounts based on such ineviitable status chagnges in life. It’s always a good idea to know how to go for the best alternative among next best options available.

Depending on a contingent situation not just an ordinary everyday needs of consumer goods and services, also in medical care and treatment to the extent of desperate medical needs in real … it could be a strech of imagination to worry so much in a way however could be in real situations could be benefited by the availability of various alternative opitons, it seems like.

In that line of concern, Amazon Prime introduces a virtual medical care where and when you need it for only $9/mon with Prime.

Prime members can now add a One Medical membership.

“… you can get on-demand care for 40+ everyday concerns. Primary care in only available in states with a One Medical office. … for $9 per month… Prime members get access to:

24/7 on-demand care via VideoChat or Treat Me Now

In-app health records and care plans

Secure messaging with a provider

Convenient prescription refill and renewal requests

Get care for everyday concerns

It probably is a good policy of administration and management concern to alleviate such concerns in the first place. Law and order and vibrant trend and fashion enabled pursuit of happiness so much products and its product consumeable.

Going beck to mentioning on my Amazon deal back in January 2024 this year, I was able to spend monthly expenditures elsewhere while Amazon kindly putting my idling Prime account on a paused status where I didn’t have to pay the monthly due of $16.53. It started paying $14.32 Amazon Prime plan back in July 2021. Then the subscription fee increased to $16.53 in April 2022 which had been the monthly fee ever since up until my Prime account pause. After the 30 day free trial this time my monthly payment would be only $14.99 according to my Amazon Prime plan this time.

I was looking for Member’s Mark Omega 3 plus vitamin D at Sam’s store.

I was able to find the same product faily easily at Amazon.

With the Amazon Prime 30 day free trial deal was as follows:

We are giving you a 30–day FREE trial of Prime
Save $6.99 on your Prime eligible items with FREE Two-Day Delivery on this order.

Some layout designs are easy to look at and seem to be more pleasant to the eye being guided for choosing an item of prudent choice to purchase.

“Your Prime benefits include:

Delivery Speed Prime member benefit
Same-Day Delivery (in select cities) FREE
1-day Delivery FREE

After your FREE tiral, Prime is just $14.99/month!!!
Get FREE two-day Delveiry with Prime… enjoy Prime FREE for 30 days…

By resuming your Prime membership, you agree to the Amazon Prime Terms and authorize us to charge your default payment method or another payment method on file after your 30-day free trial. Your Amazon Prime membership continues until cancelled. If you do not wish to continue for $14.99/month plus any taxes, you may cancel anytime by visiting Your Account. For customers in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska please visit the Amazon Prime Shipping Benefits page to check various shipping options….

Convenience of online was luckily an option for me to resort to and a much appreciative and a blog post writing experience for me. It is a blessing to be able to stay healthy and enjoy a prosperous society as a pursuit of happiness.

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